Doctors Bob Lee and Ann Talton-Lee are both pharmacists who recognize the importance of medicine, but also appreciate that food is the most powerful medicine one can use to combat and treat illness. As new members to the Full Plate Circle, they love the Food Bank’s low administrative costs, strong volunteer support, and emphasis on nutrition education.
Left: Nutrition Education Manager Sara Clement’s cooking demo; Right: nutrition education student Benelle
“We are heartbroken that so many of our neighbors are unable to meet their basic needs. We want to break the hunger cycle and trust the Food Bank to work towards doing so with our support. The Food Bank intern partnership with Wake County is a wonderful example of teaching a man to fish, while also making sure he has a fish to eat!”
At Food Bank CENC, donors are heroes in our eyes, and in the eyes of those who struggle with hunger every day. Each year, nearly 605,000 friends and neighbors receive food assistance through our Partner Agency network of more than 850 hunger relief charities. Donors make a difference in the lives of those we serve: growing children at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, seniors living on fixed incomes in Halifax County, and families working hard to make ends meet and coming up short every month.
The Full Plate Circle represents a community of individuals committed to providing nourishing meals to our neighbors through annual leadership giving of $1,000 or more. As Full Plate Circle members, Bob and Ann join other Food Bank philanthropic leaders, and help ensure that our hungry neighbors will receive the nutritious meals they need to thrive.
You too can help eliminate hunger for families in our community by joining the Full Plate Circle today. To learn more about Full Plate Circle and the unique opportunities membership offers, contact Danielle Overcash at
Or, you can make a donation today by clicking here.