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Save the dates! In partnership with News Channel 12 and Food Lion, there will be a week-long food drive at 5 Food Lion locations in Eastern North Carolina.

📆 Monday, August 10 | 11am-7pm
🛒 Food Lion, 175 Freedom Way, Jacksonville, NC

📆 Tuesday, August 11 | 11am-7pm
🛒 Food Lion, 1914 Turnbury Drive, Greenville, NC

📆 Wednesday, August 12 | 11am-7pm
🛒Food Lion, 4917 Arendell St., Morehead City, NC

📆 Thursday, August 13 | 11am-7pm
🛒 Food Lion, 1304 W Vernon Ave., Kinston, NC

📆Friday, August 14 | 11am-7pm
🛒 Food Lion, 3301 M.L. King Jr. Blvd., New Bern, NC

Below is a flyer of our most-needed food drive items. You can also print out the PDF version, to take with you as a shopping list.


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