We have seen unprecedented levels of hunger over the course of the pandemic – and with your support we distributed the equivalent of more than 100 million meals to our 34-county service area over that period. It is a record distribution for the Food Bank but more importantly, these efforts kept our partner agencies stocked, providing an important lifeline for their communities.

A consistent supply of food from the Food Bank has been key for Tyietha Frazier, founder of Angels on the Move, a partner agency in our New Bern service area. And with food and gas prices on the rise, a visit to an agency like Tyietha’s has made a huge difference for families, seniors, and individuals in the area.

“It’s crucial. Crucial. Since we’ve started (our food pantry) every six months we have a different group of people,” said Frazier. Many that visit Angels on the Move are reporting it’s hard for them to even get essentials at the grocery store for less than $50.

The Food Bank’s 800 partner agencies have seen a sustained increase of 35% in the number of people visiting them for help throughout the pandemic.

Shortages and/or price increases like this impact the Food Bank as well. With higher prices, it takes more resources for the Food Bank to keep food consistently moving into our community. We thank you for your support, which makes it possible for the Food Bank to sustain our community partners and provide much needed meals to our friends and neighbors.


Your turn

If you believe in the Food Bank’s mission and would like to help support & sustain our programs, please make a donation today. Over 60% of our funding comes from individual donations by Hunger Heroes just like you! We could never do this important work alone.