Food Distribution

The Food Bank works every day to provide nutritious food to people struggling with hunger. After food arrives at our distribution centers and is sorted by our staff and volunteers, it is then distributed to our network of nonprofit partner agencies —organizations that include food pantries, no-cost markets, meal sites, and delivery programs.

Our partner agencies are on the frontlines everyday serving people in need and working to end hunger. They form a diverse, dynamic, and passionate network committed to ending hunger at its root causes. And they rely on the Food Bank for consistent access to food, all year round. 

Food gets to the Food Bank’s partner agencies and into the community in multiple ways: 

  • Some agencies come directly to our branches to pick up needed items. These agencies make appointments and are scheduled on a regular basis.  

  • Other agencies place orders with the Food Bank, and the food is then delivered to them, free of charge, on a regular basis.  

We also work with local farmers to facilitate donations of nutritious produce directly to agencies, supporting and empowering our local communities and food systems. This is a way to support and empower our local communities and food systems by coordinating donations between donors and local agencies. You can learn more about our Food Sourcing here.

Trucks pulled up at the Raleigh Distribution Center loading dock

Occasionally, the Food Bank will work with local agencies to provide direct distributions in communities where there is great or urgent need, for example, after a hurricane or disaster.

If you are interested in joining our agency network, please click here.