25 07, 2014

Serving More Than a Summer Meal


By Jessica Ledbetter, Outreach Coordinator As the Outreach Coordinator for our Sandhills Branch service area, I work with and support 100 partner agencies in four counties, helping to leverage community relationships of the Food Bank and of the partner agency network to collectively generate and distribute more food to provide to people at risk of hunger. [...]

Serving More Than a Summer Meal2014-07-25T17:06:26-04:00
17 07, 2014

The Problem with Getting Seconds


By Nicole Harris, Summer Food Service Program Supervisor    That's me at one of our summer feeding sites! These days most of my time at work isn’t actually spent at the Food Bank. Instead I’m in the car—my mobile office if you will—driving from one summer feeding site to another. From June through [...]

The Problem with Getting Seconds2014-07-17T15:46:45-04:00
10 07, 2014

5 Questions from the Mayor that You Probably Have, Too


Raleigh Mayor Nancy McFarlane recently visited our Raleigh Branch for the first time. She took a tour, a helpie, and had several questions about the Food Bank. We thought they were too good not to share! 1.      How do you get the food to the kids in the summer? In the summertime, we sponsor the [...]

5 Questions from the Mayor that You Probably Have, Too2014-07-10T16:06:51-04:00
26 06, 2014

An Idea from NetApp on How to Stop Summer Hunger


Many families look forward to summer—a season filled with cookouts, trips to the beach, and relaxation. For a lot of kids it means three blissful months without school, with their carefree days spent playing with friends. But for almost 300,000 children in our 34 county service area, no school means no meals. Summertime means playing [...]

An Idea from NetApp on How to Stop Summer Hunger2014-06-26T17:12:42-04:00
11 06, 2014

Kids Summer Meals: Ready to Serve


“A community has got to take care of itself. If we don't do it, who will?” –Pastor Faye Coates School’s out, and that means we’re gearing up for our Kids Summer Meals Program. We’re busy ordering food and packaging it into breakfast and lunch meals to be distributed to our partner agencies. We’re also working hard [...]

Kids Summer Meals: Ready to Serve2014-06-11T16:18:45-04:00
5 06, 2014

Kids Summer Meals: A Program to End Summer Hunger


For the thousands of children who rely on the free and reduced-cost meals at school, summer vacations can seem like a daunting prospect. When they should be anticipating fun and adventure in the warm season, many are worried about where their next meal is coming from instead. For them, no school means no meals. But [...]

Kids Summer Meals: A Program to End Summer Hunger2014-06-05T12:33:50-04:00
17 04, 2014

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Break


Unfortunately Spring Break is not a carefree time for thousands of North Carolina children and their families. When school dismisses for the week, nearly 300,000 children in our 34-county service area lose access to the two meals per day that they usually receive through the free and reduced-cost meal programs. As a result, we often [...]

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Break2014-04-17T17:52:23-04:00
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