Although this is the 14th year of our Stop Summer Hunger initiative, it never gets easier to face the fact that hundreds and thousands of children will be worrying about where their next meal will come from. Rather than looking forward to an extended break from homework and responsibilities, they will be counting down the days until school starts again.

Thankfully the Food Bank and our partner agencies stand ready to help. Together we hope to provide 10 million meals in our 34 counties this June and July. This means our friends and neighbors won’t have to make tough choices between food and gas, or rent, but can feed the whole family.

And our Kids Summer Meals program stands ready to provide children and teens with thousands of nutritious meals during their break. So rather than face a summer of hunger, they can hope for a summer of fun.

Our goal this year is to provide 10 million meals through our community partner food pantries and soup kitchens. Some generous friends of the Food Bank will be matching donations in June and July so it is even easier for you to make an impact.

Join me in helping to send our kids back to school in the fall with happy memories and hope for the year ahead.

With sincere thanks,

Headshot of Food Bank President and CEO Peter Werbicki

Peter Werbicki
President & CEO
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina