Masked individuals carry boxes and bags of food from stacks on the right to a line of cars waiting with trunks open on the leftIt’s difficult for me to find the proper words to thank all of you who have so heartily supported our work in this last year.

The pandemic hit suddenly last March and many of those we serve were already having trouble making ends meet. Thousands more sought help for the first time.

Prior to March 2020, we know our strategies for nourishing people, building solutions, and empowering communities were working to break the cycle of hunger. Now the need is even more staggering with more than 760,000 people facing hunger – a 38% increase over last year.

We’ve had an unprecedented increase in distribution and you made it possible for us to put the necessary pieces in place to support these operations. Because of you, we were able to make substantial purchases of food that has become even more essential for thousands in our area. Because of you, we brought in more hands to help in our facilities and put more trucks on the road. And because of you, we established safety practices and procedures for our staff and our network of 900 partner agencies.

Masked members of Wilmington Branch Staff and the National Guard pose around a forklift loaded with boxes of apples.

Perhaps it’s best put in perspective with the simple words of just one of the many people we’ve connected with help, “You saved my life!”

Worry over how to put food on the table is at an all-time high for so many, and your generosity has sustained them. You understand, as we do, that even when the pandemic is over, it will take some time for many of our friends and neighbors to recover.

Thank you for being a continued source of strength and resiliency.

Peter Werbicki,
President & CEO

Headshot of Food Bank President and CEO Peter Werbicki

Your turn

If you believe in the Food Bank’s mission and would like to help support & sustain our programs, please make a donation today. Over 60% of our funding comes from individual donations by Hunger Heroes just like you! We could never do this important work alone.