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For more than 30 years, food banks across the United States have partnered with the National Association of Letter Carriers for the spring drive to ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ in communities. What began as a simple food collection pilot in the early 1990s has now grown to become the largest single-day food and fund drive in the country.

Set for Saturday, May 11, 2024, letter carriers in our area will collect financial contributions and non-perishable food donations to the Food Bank, along with regular mail pick-up and drop-off. Combined, the effort will raise sufficient donations to fuel millions of meals — and support community-level organizing to end hunger at its roots.

All food and funds collected stay right here in local communities. And this year’s drive couldn’t be more timely, as pantries, no-cost food markets, and meal sites throughout our region prepare for the challenging summer months. Join us and help Stamp Out Hunger throughout Central and Eastern North Carolina!


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