8 02, 2018

8 ways to prevent Heart Disease


February is American Heart Month - and not just the chocolate Valentine's kind. According to the American Heart Association, "chances are, we all know someone affected by heart disease and stroke, because about 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of 1 death every 38 seconds. But together we can change that! The biggest [...]

8 ways to prevent Heart Disease2022-01-24T16:24:06-05:00
16 11, 2017

What to cook this Thanksgiving


Here's a Thanksgiving recipe for you! This Thanksgiving, the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina is celebrating healthy food, healthy communities, and friends like you who make our work possible. As a token of our gratitude, we hope you'll enjoy this delicious recipe chosen by our staff Nutrition Education Manager, Sara Clement, RD, [...]

What to cook this Thanksgiving2017-11-16T16:17:40-05:00
6 09, 2017

Guest Blog: In just a SNAP, food access for thousands is provided


By Seth Palmer │ Food Bank CENC Social Media Ambassador For the entirety of my life, I have been fortunate to say that I have never been unsure of where my next meal was coming from. Unfortunately, though, this is not the case for thousands of men, women, and children throughout North Carolina and across [...]

Guest Blog: In just a SNAP, food access for thousands is provided2017-09-06T17:04:46-04:00
26 05, 2017

Summer Cookouts can be delicious and nutritious (Nutrition Kitchen Guide)


Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, potato salad, and chips – all tempting foods that make up summer cookouts. While all these foods can be delicious, they are also high in calories, fat, and sodium. But with just a few simple changes, summer get-togethers with friends and family can still be fun, flavorful, and healthy. Main Dish Alternatives [...]

Summer Cookouts can be delicious and nutritious (Nutrition Kitchen Guide)2022-01-24T16:24:29-05:00
19 05, 2017

Nutrition Kitchen: Think Drink


May is Older American’s Month, and at the Food Bank, we aim to celebrate their stories and wisdom while providing help to the 45,000 seniors living at or below the poverty line within our 34-county service area. And that’s not just limited to food. Did you know dehydration in our senior citizen community is a [...]

Nutrition Kitchen: Think Drink2022-01-24T16:24:34-05:00
20 04, 2017

Nutrition Kitchen: Volunteers cooking up health


The month of April is all about our Volunteers! The Food Bank is extremely lucky to have so many devoted volunteers to help distribute 60+ million pounds of food each year. All our communities and neighbors thank you! The Raleigh Branch is very excited about our newest way to volunteer: cooking demonstrations in our Allscripts [...]

Nutrition Kitchen: Volunteers cooking up health2017-04-20T15:40:25-04:00
11 04, 2017

’Take this medicine with a meal’


A few years back, staff at the Warren-Vance Community Health Center (WVCHC) in Henderson began noticing a troubling trend at their HIV clinic. Patients who had been doing well, and achieved suppressed viral loads (a measurement of successful treatment), were suddenly taking a turn and experiencing viral load increases. About 200 of WVCHC’s patients are [...]

’Take this medicine with a meal’2017-04-11T13:42:32-04:00
27 03, 2017

Meet Sara: Food Bank new Nutrition Education Manager


Hi, I'm Sara, and I am so excited to join the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina as the Nutrition Education Manager! I have been a Registered Dietitian for five years and had a variety of experiences in WIC, School Nutrition, and with Cooperative Extension. I’m the newest member to Food Bank CENC’s [...]

Meet Sara: Food Bank new Nutrition Education Manager2022-01-24T16:24:38-05:00
17 03, 2017

Guest Blog: FBCENC Celebrates National Nutrition Month


Tessa Nguyen, RD, LDN, is the founder and principal of Taste Nutrition Consulting. Tessa is a professionally trained Chef and Registered Dietitian working with clients throughout the Triangle area of North Carolina and beyond. Her areas of expertise include recipe development, cooking classes and speaking engagements. She is also a Social Media Ambassador for FBCENC. [...]

Guest Blog: FBCENC Celebrates National Nutrition Month2017-03-17T13:49:39-04:00
15 03, 2017

Three questions (and answers) about our new Community Health & Engagement Department


In the Fall of 2016, Food Bank CENC launched a new Community Health and Engagement Department, under the leadership of Gideon Adams. He took the time to answer some questions about what this means for hunger and health in our 34-county service area.   First off, why start a new department? The primary purpose of this [...]

Three questions (and answers) about our new Community Health & Engagement Department2020-02-27T17:13:10-05:00
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